Monday, November 2, 2009



Many of the motorcycle rider who like to travel or drive motor with high speed has installed motorcycle windshield. The purpose of installing windshield on the motorcycle is to prevent the wind blowing the dash when the driver motor race at high speed, especially insects that fly at night, and the waste that fly in the street. With the many benefits obtained with installing motorcycle windshield also many motorcycle rider want it, and now the windshield is part motorcycle accessory that most tune by the motorcycle rider.
There is two way to get correct motorcycle windshield, first you must known the specifications of your motorcycle and measure your motorcycle headlight to make your motorcycle windshield perfectly fit, properly mount on the headlight, and not make whoop it up causing vibrating. And second way is by buying universal windshield, because universal windshield can accommodate with the size of your front headlight without measuring your headlight before it.
Adjustable windshield can be adjusting to accommodate for any type of rider motorcycle, and this type is the recommended by most bikers. Make sure the angel of motorcycle windshield has matches with the front forks of your motorcycle and the top of the windshield must as high than your nose once you are in usual riding position.
Remember to install motorcycle windshield with properly mounting kit, because most mounting kits are not interchangeable with other mounting kit. So, you must buy correct mounting kit and using specified tool kit to installing motorcycle windshield. Now, follow this instruction to installing your motorcycle windshield with your tool kit.
1. Warming up your motorcycle windshield before installation.
Warm condition of motorcycle windshield will be easier to formed and corresponded with motorcycle headlight.

2. Remove the protection cover.
Removing protection must start from edge to preventing it from breaking and brokering.

3. Forming motorcycle windshield.
If you not buy windshield from seller, you must forming it self to make the angle of motorcycle windshield fixed with your motorcycle headlight.

4. Install the mounting kit.
Installing mounting kit with specified tool kit can make motorcycle windshield fixed and great looks.

5. Torque and doing final check motorcycle windshield.
Torque, final check, and necessary met your benchmark or motorcycle mechanic to checking your job to make sure your motorcycle windshield has great and fix installed on your motorcycle.

Always do safety riding and use helmet to make your great traveling………………………..