Saturday, November 7, 2009

Transmission flush

Transmission flush

To clear the majority of elderly transmission liquid from the transmission of your motor vehicle, you need the transmission flush to process it.
The transmission flush can help your transmission motor vehicle to remove residue of older transmission liquid from the coolers, converters, cooler lines and all inner parts of transmission.
Transmission flushing is necessary when changing fluids. Function and life of the transmission may be enhanced, if conducting a regular transmission flush.
To drain of elderly transmission liquid, it’s simple. Remove a drain plug in the transmission and the remaining liquid is allowed to accumulate in a pan.
The older liquid will mingle with the new transmission liquid and thus dilute the effectiveness of the new liquid, When change the transmission liquid without a transmission flush.
More of the older liquid removed from the transmission, when employing a transmission flush. And the overall transmission process is cleansed .This means there is less residue to contaminate and weaken the new transmission liquid. which in turn can prolong the life of the transmission.
Any people believe the transmission flush can be blow out the seals of the transmission. To flush out the residue of the elderly liquid, transmission flush process does not rely on pressure. So it’s not possible happen to this process.
While it is possible to buy transmission flush machine, it is usually a better idea to have transmission flush conducted by a professional mechanic.
 If transmission flush does cost a tiny over basically draining and replacing the liquid, smoother operation for the transmission can be minimize the chances for having to replace the transmission during the life of the vehicle.