Saturday, October 31, 2009


To finding cheaper automotive parts everyone owner car will be impetuous, selective, and very enthusiastic. And I will give you 7 tips for get cheaper prize of automotive parts, so read, comprehend, and practice this tips for make your money not much out from your pocket.
This is the tips:
1. Be sure what you are looking for and you want to get. Very important to know what are you looking for part, type, use, and specification part then comparing with the part geniuses for nothing false buying, and search information how much these part was ready stock and available.
2. Ask to the seller in shop around your residence. You can save your much money by come to part shop and asking to the automotive mechanic in the shop, how much the prize to buying these part. Does not asking in one shop, more and more you asking to another shop you can compare the prize in each shop. So you can get cheaper prize part with same part and same quality part.
3. Buying automotive part in right store. If you do not known place automotive store with good quality, you can call company of place buy your car and asking for store availability in your residence or another place closest.
4. Try and buy automotive used part. One of a lots way to get cheaper prize of automotive part is by hunting used part in discount market part used. In the market part used we have much option part and get big discount if we can bargain to make the prize cheaper.
5. Buying automotive part by internet. You can search automotive part with typing name of part automotive in search engine like “Google search engine” or “Yahoo search engine”. If you finding part searching, you can direct order with some agreement and you will get your part ordered in right time.
6. Buying automotive part in price comparison sites. If you should use price comparison sites, they will give you free list of cheapest main dealer in the country.
7. Ask and use good instinct of your brain. Do not be shy to asking in the main dealer to get cheaper prize, if the prize too expensive you can walk out to the door and asking again in other main dealer.
By finding cheap automotive part you can save much cash in your pocket, and you can bring your cash for the requirement of your live the other.
Good luck to try it……………………………..