Monday, November 9, 2009

Auto Exhaust Parts

Auto Exhaust Parts

Most people in the world have car in their garage. But not all people had known about function of exhaust system and part. The function of exhaust system and part is:
1.    Reducing sound from engine combustion before escaping exhaust gas to outside air.
2.    Eliminating sprinkling of fire result from engine combustion.
3.    Reducing the temperature of exhaust gas.
Exhaust gas is very dangerous if you breathing of air from engine combustion, because the gas is pregnant carbon monoxide. If a person breathing it with long time, the person will be loss of consciousness even can result death. So, if you not want to this problem will happen, you must do periodic service of your car to make your exhaust gas is always good and not causing pollution and global warming.
Besides of global warming, if the engine combustion not perfect, can make your car engine has loss of power and misfiring. With maintenance and calibrating you can make tour car is always powerful, and not must pay thousand dollars to repair others part of engine causing problem of exhaust system.
Exhaust component is Exhaust Manifold and connections, Exhaust Pipes, Muffler, Resonator, Tailpipe, Miscellaneous Clamps, and Brackets.
Exhaust Manifold function is as gas ring throwing away from engine to Exhaust Pipes.
Exhaust Pipes function is reducing gas temperature throw away by passing surface of long pipes
.Muffler function is reducing output sound from engine to eliminating pollution voice from engine combustion.
Resonator function is filtering gas exhaust to lessen even eliminate of gas emission engine combustion.
Miscellaneous Clamps function is to fixed mounting of Exhaust system for eliminate vibrating and leaking of gas engine combustion.
Bracket function is as place for all mounting and clamps Exhaust system.
Always check these parts to make your car well and good performs. Do not wait to repair your car after it breakdown or wrecked, because with extra little self maintenance you can save your money to anything else you want.